Ecological Security and Climate Organisations Net (ESCON) through its Carbon Emission Managed Industries Confederation (CEMIC) and National Alliance for Green Panchayats(NAGP) guides and facilitates Partner NGOs,CBOs,SEs,to organize and institutionalize grassroot people and its groups with an Inclusive Action Strategy (IAS) to minimize and address vulnerabilities associated with the impacts of Climate Change and build resilience and help people to realize Climate Change impacts and adapt to Climate Change.
In this work ESCON builds and strengthen ACCA groups (Area Climate Change Action)Groups to do needful initiatives and actions based on the ecosystem of every area towards contributing for the resilience of the planet as well human habitations .
ACCA Groups will help for vulnerability assessments and Adaptation and Mitigation planning efforts through participatory Exercises and integrate Climate Change Adaptation Measures into development, planning and implementation process and Natural Resources and Eco System Management Practices. Thrust is given to develop plans for sustainable development of area ecosystem based on local resources, human habitation, Livestock population and trends, exposures to vulnerabilities, livelihood security, employment generation and unique overall socio-economic development of the area wherein the aspirations and interests of every individual of the community is taken care and scaling it up with Governmental and UN programs towards achieving resilience of Planet Earth.
The movement will work on the basis of UNFCCC , UNEP findings from time to time and opt for the guidance from MoEFCC and related GoI institutions, NABARD, SIDBI, State Governments, designated Departments and institutions and integrate with State and Central Action Plan for Climate Change.
ESCON also promotes sustainable land use management, interventions for Agrarian crisis, Gender equity, environmental justice, Emission Management and Carbon neutral industrial development, universal employment, Environmentally Assessed GDP, Decentralized Energy Development, Water Management, Marine Ecosystems Management, Coastal Livelihood Management, Tribal Development and Resource Management ,Community Participatory Land,Air and Water(CP-LAW) management, Business ,micro and small industrial development, Actions against deforestation, degradation, sea erosion, flooding, droughts, Skill Empowerments and Adaptations(SEA),Human Rights and Environmental conservation and preservation, Children’s Environmental rights and all forms of actions that will make each and every citizen to lead a dignified life in harmony with Nature, protecting the planet with its rich bio resources. ESCON also will get involve in all international efforts and peoples movements to protect and preserve the only Planet Earth as a Sustainable Planet for Posterity in every sense.
Agrarian Crisis and Farmers issues is given much required attempt to recover the polluted land and resources and strive towards getting a fair deal ,so that toxic free food can be availed by all.
ESCON also is working towards turning the present crisis of unsustainable development and Climate Variations into an opportunity by putting science and technology to greater social and ethically motivated use. It is doing everything to help deprived communities adapt to the implications of climate change and facilitate the changing situations towards sustainable development.
India after getting independence in 1947,faced serious poverty, ignorance, illiteracy ,disease and inequality of opportunity and the Government towards addressing these concerns established, the Planning Commission of India to formulate the country’s Five-Year Plans for assessing all the available resources, augmenting deficient resources, and for determining priorities.
The second five year plan envisaged the principles of ‘socialistic pattern of society and put stress on raising standards of living by raising national income through a rapid industrialization process to generate employment opportunities and reduce inequalities in society by trickling down benefits to the poorer sections in society. However the Challenges were so complex that many Social Activists were concerned about
Persistent inequality as reflected in the low human development among most marginalized groups including scheduled castes, tribal and rural populations, women, transgenders, people living with HIV and migrants. The tragedy of Gender inequality in India persisted despite high rates of economic growth, particularly apparent among marginalized groups. The women were forced to bear the burdens of all errant happenings in society and getting them empowered was a distant dream.
In the year 1998,a group of concerned persons lead by Shri.S.A.Rahim debated about the injustices and inequalities persisted in the society and determined to fight it out ,especially in rural India and formed a Voluntary Organisation namely RUPEC (Rural Unemployment and Poverty Eradication Centre) at R.K.PETA in Tamilnadu and brought tremendous empowerment of rural people ,especially the women folk.Then District Collector of Tiruvallur District was trying to use the NGOs for reaching out to the people and recognizing the highly spirited works carried out by RUPEC Team,the RUPEC Chairman was entrusted with the post of Convener and consequently due to manifold reasons and to strengthen social work, a National Net work of NGOs namely INGO-JAC(Indian Non Government Organizations –Joint Action Council) was formed with its Head Quarters at Kanchepuram in Tamilnadu.INGO-JAC later established a Resource Centre at Katwarai Sarai in New Delhi and was catering to the needs of NGOs from different states of India.