Visakhapatnam District is the North Eastern Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh , bounded on the North by the Orissa State and partly by Vizianagaram the South by East Godavari,on the West by Orissa State and on the East by Bay of Bengal.
The District presents two distinct Geographic divisions viz. strip of the land along the coastal strip and the interior plains division and hilly area of the Eastern Ghats flanking at the North and West by Agency Area .
With population of 38.32 lakhs as per 2001 Census and Geographical area of 11161 Sq. KM,of which 36.45 hectares are arable land and 39.53% is Forest Area and the remaining land are barren or uncultivable land .The district has differing climatic conditions in different parts of it,wherein the Coast the air is moist and relaxing, but gets warmer towards the interior and cools down in the hilly areas on account of elevation and vegetation. Annual normal rainfall is 1202 MM, of which south-west monsoon accounts for 72.0% of the normal while North-East monsoon contributes 13.9% of the normal rainfall as per the statistics of 2006-2007.
Red Loamy soils and Black Cotton Soil is prevalent and organic content is very poor in 45% of the land area.
More than the one third of the area in the District is covered by moist and dry deciduous forest.The Podu Practice, indiscriminate grazing and browsing has degraded much of the forest area and now regeneration programs are carried out by different Agencies of the Government and multiple flora are coming up,however the recent Hud hud toofan has uprooted many trees and flora of the district.The fauna of the District consist of a livestock of 12.02 lakhs as per 2003 livestock Census and some wild fauna Boars and Bisons are found in Forest areas of the district and isolated instances of Cheetas and tigers.
About 70% households depends on Agriculture,the Visakhapantam city has many industries ,however the rural areas continued to be backward. Crops are mainly Paddy followed by Ragi, Bajra and Jowar and Cash Crops such as Sugarcane, Groundnut, Sesamum Niger and Chillies are important. 66% of the area is covered under dry crops since there is no maor irrigation source and depend on the vagaries of monsoon and productivity is low and Animal husbandry is a major source of income.
.Visakhapatnam District has about 59 fishery villages and hamlets on coastline stretching to a length of 132 KMs. covering 11 coastal mandals. And fishermen families depend on marine, Inland and brakish water fishing besides catching fish living around Thandava and Raiwada reservoirs.The District has mineral deposits and industries and much growth engines contributing towards sustainable development. However the threat of Climate change has become a challenge for the District and Hudhud toofan of recent months thrown the District into bewilderness and confusion.