Our Mission:

Empower every individual and institutions with tools and skills to lead an environment friendly Life with dignity in harmony with Nature and make every person a responsible global citizen who dedicate personally towards conservation and preservation of the ecosystems ,prevention and abatement of pollution and ensuring Development without inflicting the resilience of Mother Earth and its habitations.
Also to do swift actions to rejuvenate the ecological balance of the earth endangered due to arrogant human interventions and CO2 emissions, manage CO2 for useful purposes ,protect all endangered species, conserve the flora and fauna of the planet and make our Planet livable and secured for the future generations and ensure sustainable development that can meet the needs of all life forms and adopt an Inclusive Action Strategy (IAS) empowering everyone with alternative employment chances, entrepreneurship opportunities, energy generation, toxic free food, better health care,Climate proof housing, emission free transportation, pollution free industries ,climate Adaptation skills, and take care of every adverse impacts of Climate Change.
The Mission further aims to assist both State and Central Governments and the designated National and International Organisations for the implementation of policies and programmes relating to conservation of the country's natural resources, sea and marine ecosystem, lakes and rivers, its biodiversity, forests and wildlife and the welfare of animals with guiding principles of sustainable development and protection of Mother Earth.