National Alliance for Green Panchayat (NAGP) is a registered organization under Society Act and work for building Alliance with various stake holder organizations,NGOs,CBOs and other related institutions to facilitate Green Development with special focus on Agrarian Crisis and rural concerns. It is a people’s institutionalization program wherein all pre requisites are acquired through participatory initiatives and delivered in time to rural people covering farmers,Agricultural laboures,Artisans,youths,Women and all marginalized and vulnerable sections and create the basis for equitable development of each Panchayats in India without harming local ecosystems.
NAGP also tries to help people on disinvestment in any sector that increases releases of CO2 and facilitate towards green job creations and improving industrial development and construction activites that enhances Carbon Dioxide sequestrisation .
The NAGP took the risks of creating awareness to rural communities on the need to rejuvenate the soil that has spoiled with large scale use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides through effective community Instruments of farmers created as ACCA (Area Climate Change Action)Groups .The movement aims to get back the enriched soil in every Panchayats of India by 2025 through community based interventions of Organic farming, Natural farming, Cow based Agriculture, introduction of non contaminated seeds, reduced application of chemical pesticides ,taking action on different pollution happenings to land, water and air system, including coastal areas and deep sea.Coservation and protection of ecossytems,endangered species, all flora and fauna by entrusting to nearest or beneficiary communities.
NAGP is working to address Agrarian crisis and reduce the temptations towards farmers suicides and reclaim the input losses arises due to Climatic variations and crop failures. Steps are taken to make value added products at the door steps of farmers and assisting farmers too to gain share of fair trade, politically managed subsidies and gaining Loan Holidays from Banks with Grass Root Participatory Dialogues and Action Programmers.
A program of actions are tailored to get involve Artisans, constructions workers and contractors who are in the field of infrastructure development into the community Groups or partners in development to educate and empower them to diversify their operations and facilitation of investments for a pro nature, Pro pollution free situations and at the same helping towards using the human energy for Climate Proof technlolgies and infra structure Developments.