Nellore Action Centre for Climate Change is an initiative of NGOs and Social Activists formed under the guidance of ESCON to facilitate Nellore as a resilient District and ensure people an environment friendly dynamic healthy life with options of employment and income generations.It also aimed to work towards reducing pollution levels of land,water and air through both Advocacy and Actions.
Some of the NGO’s has embarked on organizing the grass root people and farmers on business like mode and started skill empowerment with techniques of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation programs that will help the affected people to quickly adjust to the new situations for generating income and ensure livelihood.
The Program has planned to address various issues of development and empowerment of the District and its habitations with productivity linked Green initiatives that control emissions of Carbon Dioxide and other Green House Gases through the two wings of NAGP and CEMIC and looking for Active Partners to get involve in a minimum 300 Crores turn over Project.
The organization is seriously planning to address the Agrarian Crisis facing the District and do effective interventions to make each Farmer as a Bio-Industrialists who can decide his prices for the products .
Further a value added Products chain is planned to empower farmers and fishermen communities to gain remunerative prices through and viable economic activities that can overcome the continuous problems faced by them and save the Farmers from suicide attempts.
A Project Proposal for Environmental Adaptations and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy too was submitted to GIZ and NABARD towards financial support from Climate Funds and further persuasions are to be done towards gaining support.
The program named as MACCINDELS (Multiple Adaptations for Climate Change Impacts in Nellore District to Ensure Livelihood Sustainability) with Objective to ensure Adaptation capability for each individual vulnerable to Climate Change impacts by scaling up the existing livelihood operations and empowering them with multiple skills & operational resources that can guarantee their livelihoods under any adverse situations due to Climate Change through linking Natural Resources Management and this can help NACCC to achieve its objectives.
ESCON invites social activists,Environmentalists ,NGOs to join as partners and work towards the development of Nellore Distrcit in Harmoney with Nature and also carve an opportunity for becoming sustainable institutions and entities that can cater to the needs of the people as effective delivry centres and at the same time fetch a attractive and worthy Jobs.